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Katie Sheahon

Ms. Sheahon's Second Grade Classroom



This is page is a way for us to share our happenings in our classroom!  Check here for any extra resources, schedules, newsletters, or other info you might need!  Thank you for sharing your precious children with me during the school year! 


 Wish List:
Sticker Packs
Construction Paper
Flair pens

Current Weather

Current Condition: clear sky

Temperature: 53.24ËšF

Feels Like: 49.91ËšF

Wind Speeds: 8.39mph

Weather humidity: 35%

Chance of Precipitation: %

Katie Sheahon

Upcoming Events

Contact Katie Sheahon

Classroom Number:
School Phone:
444-2628 ext. 2229
Cell Phone:
Conference Time:
3:30-3:50 daily